近年許多台商紛紛從大陸撤出,就是因為只想利用當地低工資條件,卻未能趁機建立企業核心競爭力,隨大陸工資逐年調漲,最後只能黯然退出。 Read more
近年許多台商紛紛從大陸撤出,就是因為只想利用當地低工資條件,卻未能趁機建立企業核心競爭力,隨大陸工資逐年調漲,最後只能黯然退出。 Read more
In response to the recent flood in Central Vietnam, employees from Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 (VPIC1) had devoted themselves and collaborated with local charities for a disaster relief fund-raising event. The company and its staffs had expressed great enthusiasm that they were able to activate their social responsibilities and raised a total of VND $ 160millions.
為響應越南各地援助同胞的活動, 本著善盡社會責任, 越南第一精密工會也發起賑災募款, 經公司和全體員工熱烈響應, 共募得善款一億六千萬越盾。
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Auto manufacturers in Taiwan are likely to pick up slack orders after earthquakes that hit Japan’s industrial hub Kumamoto forced Toyota and Honda to scale down production.
To allow a better understanding of all walks of life shortlisted entrepreneurs business philosophy and strategy, Ernst & Young also held on the 12th, “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Forum” 2016 finalist entrepreneurs to “innovation heritage, to create a new driving force in Taiwan,” the theme exchanges, highlighting Taiwan enterprises family were struggling entrepreneurial spirit, heritage new generation, sustainable development.
大江生醫股份有限公司總經理林詠翔、橙的電子股份有限公司董事長許欽堯、PSA華科事業群董事長焦佑衡、特力集團董事長李麗秋、金融監督管理委員會代理主任委員黃天牧、安永聯合會計師事務所董事長王金來、臺灣證券交易所總經理李啟賢、台灣董事學會理事長許士軍、友嘉實業集團總裁朱志洋、豐祥控股股份有限公司董事長游明輝、今周刊發行人謝金河等人出席「2016安永企業家獎論壇 」。