Performance Indicators | Unit | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Operating Revenue | NT$ Thousand | 5,723,448 | 8,037,354 | 7,267,327 |
Operating Costs | NT$ Thousand | 4,662,448 | 6,478,423 | 5,744,740 |
Operating Expenses | NT$ Thousand | 377,723 | 465,840 | 442,572 |
Consolidated Gross Profit | NT$ Thousand | 1,060,674 | 1,559,244 | 1,522,578 |
Consolidated Total Net Income after Tax | NT$ Thousand | 623,422 | 935,998 | 1,031,525 |
Consolidated Basic EPS After Tax | NT$ | 9.53 | 14.29 | 15.60 |
ROE | % | 19.51 | 24.16 | 21.84 |
ROA | % | 10.74 | 13.64 | 14.99 |
Net Profit Rate | % | 10.89 | 11.65 | 14.19 |
Payments to Government by Country | NT$ Thousand | 130,225 | 189,939 | 223,562 |
Economic value Retained | NT$ Thousand | -573,597 | -538,893 | -547,375 |
R&D Expenditures | NT$ Thousand | 90,278 | 84,123 | 85,790 |
R&D Expenditures as a Percentage of Consolidated Revenue | % | 1.58 | 1.05 | 1.18 |
Performance Indicators | Unit | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Greenhouse Gas Emission | T-CO2e | 22,907.65 | 52,649,655.22 | 9,447.6665 |
Scope 1 | T-CO2e | 2,006.65 | 10,826.1825 | 9415.7665 |
—Eurocharm TW | T-CO2e | 39.21 | 56.5625 | 64.9665 |
—Eurocharm U.S. | T-CO2e | 0 | 0 | 0 |
—VPIC1 | T-CO2e | 1,967.44 | 10,769.62 | 9,350.80 |
Scope 2 | T-CO2e | 20,903 | 38,432.9266 | 28,115.8831 |
—Eurocharm TW | T-CO2e | 146 | 126.4666 | 115.3931 |
—Eurocharm U.S. | T-CO2e | 0 | 0 | 0 |
—VPIC1 | T-CO2e | 20,757 | 38,306.46 | 28,000.49 |
Scope 3 | T-CO2e | Not calculated | 173,793.542 | 125,225.2865 |
—Eurocharm TW | T-CO2e | Not calculated | 278.9627 | 210.7362 |
—Eurocharm U.S. | T-CO2e | Not calculated | 8.2896 | 17.8103 |
—VPIC1 | T-CO2e | Not calculated | 173,506.29 | 124,996.74 |
Total Electricity Energy | Degree | 46,118,422 | 53,051,152 | 41,617,234 |
—Eurocharm TW | Degree | 286,671 | 248,461 | 233,117 |
—VPIC1 | Degree | 45,831,751 | 53,048,691 | 41,384,117 |
—Eurocharm U.S. | Degree | Not calculated | 0 | 0 |
Water Consumption | Tons | 247,230 | 291,931 | 214,305 |
—Eurocharm TW | Tons | 1,434 | 1.294 | 1,210 |
—VPIC1 | Tons | 245,759 | 290,637 | 213,095 |
General Waste Generated | Tons | 814.80 | 782.51 | 761.83 |
—Eurocharm TW | Tons | 34.80 | 34.80 | 34.80 |
—VPIC1 | Tons | 780.00 | 747.71 | 727.03 |
Recyclable Waste Generated | Tons | 12,748.63 | 14,627.59 | 12,544.28 |
—Eurocharm TW | Tons | 1.67 | 14.28 | 21.09 |
—VPIC1 | Tons | 12,746.96 | 14,613.31 | 12,523.19 |
Hazardous Waste Generated | Tons | 1,505.65 | 5,221.92 | 5,043.94 |
—Eurocharm TW | Tons | 0 | 0 | 0 |
—VPIC1 | Tons | 1,505.65 | 5,221.92 | 5,043.94 |
Performance Indicators | Unit | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Number of Employees | People | 4,955 | 5,113 | 4,619 |
—Eurocharm KY | People | Not calculated | Not calculated | 5 |
—Eurocharm TW | People | 65 | 56 | 52 |
—VPIC1 | People | 4,890 | 5,057 | 4,562 |
Employee Training Hours | hour | 4.49 | 8.46 | 14.28 |
—Eurocharm TW | hour | 3.78 | 13.81 | 29.01 |
—VPIC1 | hour | 4.50 | 8.40 | 14.13 |
Proportion of Female Employees | % | 27.02 | 27.64 | 28.88 |
Percentage of Females in Management | % | 7.63 | 7.91 | 8.00 |
Percentage of Females in Middle Management | % | 7.77 | 8.07 | 8.17 |
Proportion of Females in Senior Management | % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
New Entry Rate | % | 53.28 | 44.04 | 8.77 |
Turnover Rate | % | 37.68 | 40.95 | 19.53 |
Injury Frequency Rate | % | 0.19 | 0.35 | 0.59 |
Injury Severity Rate | % | 12.11 | 16.82 | 27.30 |
Fatalities – Employees | People | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Fatalities – Contractors | People | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Employee Wages and Benefits | NT$ Thousand | 1,205,890 | 1,439,658 | 1,326,995 |
Community Investments | NT$ Thousand | 1,806 | 221 | 258 |