To address the waste issue, the first step is to reduce waste generation, followed by sorting for recycling, and waste disposal is the final step. The Group has established policies for resource recycling, including water, electricity, and raw materials. We have also developed plans, objectives, and implementation methods in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements, which are disclosed on our company website. We comply with government regulations and pay recycling and disposal fees as required by waste management laws. The waste impact from our group’s operations primarily comes from wastewater and waste liquids from the painting production line. Eurocharm TW and Vietnam VPIC1 supervise, manage, and inspect waste disposal contractors through document review. In 2023, the general business waste amounted to 761.83 tons, recyclable waste was 12,544.28 tons, and harmful/dangerous/hazardous waste was 5,043.94 tons. All waste removal operations are conducted by qualified disposal contractors. Kitchen waste from the employee restaurant is collected by specialized livestock industry vendors for recycling, with the weight not yet included in the statistics; it is expected to be included into waste statistics in the future. The 2023 goal for Vietnam VPIC1 is to reduce hazardous waste by at least 3%, with an actual reduction of 3.4%. Vietnam VPIC1 plans to conduct on-site inspections of hazardous waste disposal contractors starting in 2024. the VPIC1 first obtained ISO 14001 certification on July 20, 2016, and subsequently obtained re-certification on July 26, 2019, with a validity period until July 20, 2025.

General wasteTons814.8782.51761.83
Product DensityTons/Production0.000010.000010.00001
Sales DensityTons/NT$ Thousand0.000140.000100.00010
Recyclable wasteTons12,748.6314,627.5912,544.28
Product DensityTons/Production0.000170.000170.00018
Sales DensityTons/NT$ Thousand0.00220.00180.0017
Hazardous WasteTons1,505.655,221.925,043.94
Product DensityTons/Production0.000020.000060.00007
Sales DensityTons/NT$ Thousand0.000260.000650.00069
Waste CompositionUnitWaste GeneratedWaste Diverted from DisposalWaste Directed to Disposal
General WasteTons761.83761.83
Recyclable WasteTons12,544.2812,544.28
Hazardous WasteTons5,043.945,043.94
Total WasteTons18,350.0512,544.285,805.77
Non-hazardous Waste
Preparation for ReuseTons
Other Recovery OperationsTons
Waste preventedTons12,544.28
Hazardous Waste
Incineration (without energy recovery)Tons3,944.39
Other Disposal OperationsTons1,099.55
Non-hazardous Waste
Incineration (with energy recovery)Tons34.80
Other Disposal Operations