In response to the recent flood in Central Vietnam, employees from Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 (VPIC1) had devoted themselves and collaborated with local charities for a disaster relief fund-raising event. The company and its staffs had expressed great enthusiasm that they were able to activate their social responsibilities and raised a total of VND $ 160millions.
為響應越南各地援助同胞的活動, 本著善盡社會責任, 越南第一精密工會也發起賑災募款, 經公司和全體員工熱烈響應, 共募得善款一億六千萬越盾。
Automakers likely to pick up slack orders after Japanese quakes
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Auto manufacturers in Taiwan are likely to pick up slack orders after earthquakes that hit Japan’s industrial hub Kumamoto forced Toyota and Honda to scale down production.