Eurocharm Groupは精密部品の生産と研究開発を専門とし、1974年創立以来、安定した着実な足取りで成長を続けています。台湾からベトナムへと発展、経営規模を絶えず拡大して、企業競争力を高めています。
Eurocharm Groupは台湾、日本、ベトナム、中国の優秀なチームの結集し、四十年近くの経験と専門知識を有しております。「卓越に挑戦 縁を大切にし幸福をもたらす」の理念、及び「誠信、革新、顧客満足」の品質ポリシーをモットーに一心に経営しています。
Eurocharm Groupのは目下、オートバイ部品をはじめ、自動車部品・バギー関連部品・医療器材関連等を生産しております。Eurocharmは優れた生産技術と製品の品質、更に世界のビッグメーカー指定の品質優良ベンダーの栄誉を得ており、世界各地に及ぶ顧客の信頼を勝ち取っています。
今後もEurocharm Groupは「卓越に挑戦する」という決心のもと、品質やコストの改善を持続し、更にハイレベルの優れた製品を提供して参ります。そして、顧客、従業員、株主のために、利益が得られる優位性を創造し、永続成長を続けて参ります。
Steven Yu
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
Eurocharm Holdings Co., Ltd., Chairman
Eurocharm Innovation Co., Ltd., Chairman
Exedy Vietnam Co., Ltd., Director
Taiwan Techno State Co., Ltd., Director
Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 Co., Ltd., Chairman
Michael Yu
B.S. in Management, National Chung Hsing University
Eurocharm Holdings Co., Ltd., Director
Eurocharm Innovation Co., Ltd., Director
Taiwan Techno State Co., Ltd., Supervisor
Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 Co., Ltd., Director
Antonio Yu
M.S. in Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin
Eurocharm Holdings Co., Ltd., Director
Eurocharm Innovation Co., Ltd., Director
Taiwan Techno State Co., Ltd., Chairman
Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 Co., Ltd., Director
Steven Chang
Ph.D. in Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
CEO & Founder of The CID Group
Quanta Computer lnc., Supervisor
Quanta Storage Inc., Supervisor
Taiflex Scientific Co., Ltd., Director
Vice Chairman, China Venture Capital Association, IAC
Wei-Min Lin
Ph.D., Accountancy, Jinan University, China
CPA, Auditor of Wei-Min Lin Accounting Firm
Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd., Director
Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd., Supervisor
Bryan Peng
EMBA, National Chiao Tung University
Double degree in Accouting and International Trade,
Fu Jen Catholic University,Taiwan
Entire Technology Co., Ltd., CFO
Wafer Works Optronics Corp., Supervisor
Entire Investment Corporation., Supervisor
Gen-Yu Fong
J.D. Cornell University, U.S.A.
Distinguished Professor,National Chengchi University
OBI Pharma, Inc.Independent Director
DelSolar Co., Ltd., Independent Director
Elitegroup Computer Systems Co., Ltd., Independent Director
High Power Opto, Inc., Independent Director
The Company values a harmonious employer-employee relationship and protects each individual’s freedom of speech. To maintain a smooth communication channel, the Company has established unions and labour conferences in accordance with the local government and laws. In the meantime, the periodic meeting with the relevant department managers allows the voices to be heard and opinions to be expressed. In case of a major labour dispute, the Company takes priority of the employee’s opinion. An executive will be appointed to reach a consensus with the employee for a healthy work environment and a sustainable enterprise.
The Company has a designated contact between the Company and the shareholders for corporate’s information transparency. The corporate website is equipped with an Investor Relations section to provide the relevant information. To maintain a good relationship with the investors, the Company has an internal spokesperson system. In addition to participating in domestic and foreign security forums, the Company also holds investor conferences periodically.
The Company’s core value for business operation is credibility. Suppliers are one of the most important business partners as the Company expects to create a win-win situation and grow alongside with them. The Company upholds the highest standard of business ethics against corruption and fraud. If any wrongfulness was found related to the supply chain, please directly report to the Company’s auditor. Unless stated by the laws, the information you provide will be kept confidential and any necessary measures for the protection of your privacy will be taken.
Any inquiries about products, business opportunities or quality issues, please visit Contact on the website tab to get in touch and the correspondent will contact you shortly.
For any suggestions or complaints damaging the interested parties, please contact the deputy spokesman manager, Mr. Kao (886-2-2908-3863) or the internal audit (886-2-2908-3963).